BioSol-H460 is a low-odor solvent that exhibits good solubility with other organic substances. This non-HAP solvent blend has high flash point and can replace aliphatic and/or aromatic hydrocarbons in most formulations. BioSol-H460 can also be used to make paint thinners and strippers, as well as concrete sealers and trac paints.

Biosol Application
Excellent solvent alternative for acrylic, urethane, epoxy and alkyd systems? Excellent low odor, non-HAP, non-VOC alternative to aromatic and aliphatic solvents with appropriate(if needed) and/or reformulation work.? Replaces hydrocarbons, esters, glycol ethers and ketones, which are regulated by the US EPA and SafeDrinking Water Act.? Used in formulating coatings, paints, sealers, inks, adhesives, cleaners.
BIOSOL-H460 can be used by formulators in the developemnt of more environmentally compliant formulations. It is an excellent non-hazardous, non-HAP low odor alternative to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbonsolvents. Unlike hydrocarbon solvents which ae HAP's, 100% VOC and can contain carcinogens,BIOSOL-H460 contains no carcinogens or sensitizers. It is safer to use in production, safer worker health,and safer for the environment.