SILCOTE-AP, an inorganic hybrid polymer, represents an exciting technology in coatings that can provide surface finishes that are more durable than what has been possible until now. It can also refinish practically all everyday surfaces to a factory new finish. SILCOTE-AP is an extremely easy to work with two part coating that can be formulated to very low VOC levels depending on regional and application requirements.
SILCOTE-AP coatings are hard, tough with excellent abrasion, chemical, solvent and stain resistance. They provide outstanding UV and weather protection and can be used in continuously submerged applications. SILCOTE-AP coatings retain their color and gloss far better than practically any other topcoat in the protective coating industry, including the best of breed epoxies and polyurethanes. It provides a durable and decorative _finish for a variety of _flooring and countertop surfaces in residential, commercial, recreational, automotive, marine and aircraft applications.
SILCOTE-AP provides an abrasion, stain and water resistant glossy finish that helps protect the coated surface from wear and damage while reducing regular and costly maintenance such as stripping, polishing and waxing in a range of facilities including hospitals, universities, schools, airports, restaurants, hotels and resorts.
- SILCOTE-AP is safe and easy to apply, making it also appropriate for residential use by homeowners and
do-it-yourself enthusiasts.
- No More Stripping - Stripping, burnishing or waxing are no longer necessary. When it is time to re-coat, simply add a fresh coat right over the existing coat. Quick and easy, once every 2 to 3 years.
- Cheaper - No stripping or burnishing means less floor maintenance labor and lower maintenance costs. An estimated 86% of floor care cost is labor. SILCOTE-AP can eliminate up to 70% of that cost.
- Sustainable - SILCOTE-AP is a great way to make facilities more "green" compliant. Stripping, burnishing and re-waxing floors emit air pollutants, create chemical by-products and waste precious commodities such as electricity and water.
SILCOTE-AP with its unique chemistry and composition, ease of use and outstanding durability is now the coating of choice for all topcoat applications. Unlike other 2-part coatings it has virtually no unpleasant fumes or odors. High solids and extensive coverage make SILCOTE-AP a cost effective, long term solution.

SilCote-AP can be applied to all common flooring and wall surfaces including
natural and composite stone, plastic, natural and composite wood, metal, glass, ceramic and concrete. The
preparation requirement is fairly modest. Make sure that the target surface is free of oil and greasy contaminants
and is free of dirt and debris. There is no requirement for primers and bonding agents.
SilCote-AP is a 2-part coating supplied as Part-A and Part-B. Part-A is the resin
and Part-B is the catalyst that enables the curing and hardening of the resin to develop the ultimate physical
properties. The mixing ratio is 6:1 and should be strictly maintained in order to ensure optimal functionality.
Six parts of Par-A should be poured into a plastic or metal container just prior to application. Add one part of
Part-B to the Part-A in the container and gently stir the mix till a clear slightly straw colored liquid is obtained.
This ensures that the two parts have thoroughly homogenized.
Each gallon of SilCote-AP will provide a single coat coverage over approximately 750 to 1000 square feet, at approximately 1.5 mil DFT (0.37 mm dry film thickness) depending on the nature of the substrate and method of application. The 'wet edge' or working time of SilCote-AP is approximately 2 hours making it very spray process friendly. It is important to mix only enough material that can be comfortably and properly coated during this time window.
SilCote-AP can be applied by brush, roller or HVLP sprayer after preparing surface as recommended
above. All basic precautions associated with paints and painting should be followed including proper
ventilation, masking o_ areas that will not be coated and preventing air borne debris from invading the area
being coated and while the coating is wet. IMPORTANT: The area being coated should be well ventilated and
there should be no exposure to open flames or sparks of any kind.
SilCote-AP has a 2 to 3 hour working time which gives the applicator more than sufficient
time to coat large areas, mix additional batches and rectify coating problems and defects along the way. Full
cure requires approximately 8 hours. An overnight cure is highly recommended. At this time the coating will
have hardened sufficiently to permit foot traffic and will have developed liquid and stain resistant properties.
The chemical integration of the resin matrix will continue over the next 48 to 72 hours at which time
SilCote-AP will achieve its optimal abrasion , chemical and weather resistant properties.
Tools, equipment and containers used for the SilCote-AP application can be thoroughly wiped
clean with a basic alcohol based solvent such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA commonly known as 'rubbing alcohol').
Tools and other equipment can and then be washed with soap and water if necessary. Liquiguard's EcoKleanz
provides an excellent choice for an e effective bio-based cleaning solvent if there is a need to remove and reapply
worn or damaged SilCote-AP. Overruns and spills can also be remedied with EcoKleanz. SilCote-AP
cleanup residue should be disposed o in a manner similar to disposing normal oil based paint residue and